Adventure Therapy is a psychotherapeutic intervention methodology developed mainly in nature and with adventure and challenge activities, implemented by mental health professionals. This methodology is especially used to work with adolescents and adults, and can also be adapted to individual or group needs.

Adventure Therapy can be defined as “the prescriptive use of adventure experiences provided by mental health professionals, often conducted in natural settings that kinesthetically engage clients at cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels”
(Gass, Gillis y Russell, 2012, 2020)

This type of therapy engages participants through the intentional use of challenging and adventurous activities and initiatives.

Therapy through adventure is an essential tool for treatment adherence, to strengthen the therapeutic relationship, to develop participation in the therapeutic process and to help clients develop a deeper awareness in their change process.

This methodology has been supported by an extensive body of research since the 1960s, especially in the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and German fields.
